With Per Bristow

Whether You're An In-Demand Professional, An Up-And-Coming Artist, A Hobby/Amateur Singer, Or You've Never Sung Much Before...

Here's A One-Time Exclusive Opportunity To Experience The World-Renowned 'Kinesthetic Awareness Process' And 'Muscle Isolation Training' That Has Healed, Freed, And Empowered Singers' Voices 146 Countries!

Maybe you experience a voice problem, you get tired easily, feel strain and restrictions when you sing…

Maybe you would love to have greater power, more endurance and feel freer when you sing.

Maybe you're voice cracks easily, or you're tired of not being able to sing those high notes without pushing and straining or flipping to falsetto/head voice...

Maybe you don't feel confident singing out, or you've been ridiculed and come to believe you can't sing...

Singing Is One Of The Most Powerful And Empowering Activities We Can Engage In, And Can Be Enjoyed On All Levels!

Yes, what's covered in this master session will, in fact, apply to you whatever level you're at.

Trhough seerval experiments and exercises, you will gain are going to be taken on a journey to deeply understand (through various experiments and exercises) how to gain greater kinesthetic awareness of your instrument...

You'll be able to release tension that has troubled you, as well as hidden tension that you previously haven’t been aware of, and access muscles that you've previously not been able to access.

Yes, now you will experience Per Bristow;s world-renowned kinesthetic awnress process and muscle isolation training that singers all around have called revolutionary

Experience what singers around the world have considered the revolutionary ‘kinesthetic awareness and muscle isolation process’ to release hidden restrictions and free your voice.

You’ll discover why it's been so effective for 
healing severe voice problemsgetting a healthy, strong and powerful voice… gaining greater endurance (vital for professionals)…. dramatically improve range and dynamics… and ultimately be able to sing and perform (if you perform) with greater passion, joy and freedom!

"When I Decided To Do X-Factor, I Needed A Vocal Coach"

Peyton – From UK X Factor, World Touring Artist & Recording Artist

"Per, You Really Saved Me There (The Eurovision Performance)"

Vincent Bueno – Austria's Representative In Eurovision Song Contest

"Before, I'd Do One Gig And The Next Day I Couldn't Sing"

David Shanhun - singer/songwriter New Zealand

"I was Astounded At How Quickly I Got Results"

Evelyn Duprai - R&B singer - Australia

"I had nodules. You saved my life!"

Ian Clarkson – Lead singer of The Jive Aces - seminfinalist in Britain's Got Talent

"It helped me win the European Elvis Championships"

Steven Pitman – Winner of European Elvis Championships

"You have inspried me to work harder at my craft. I tell everybody to check you out"

Lead singer in Rough Cutt,  Quiet Riot, the  Las Vegas show "Raiding The Rock vault", etc

"Not Just For Vocals But To Be A Better Human Being"

Afwan - Lead singer of Supersonics Singapore

Now You Will Be Able Experience What Has Become The Go-To Training For Singers Of All Levels And Styles Around The World! 

"I'm A Much Better Singer Now Than I was 40 Years Ago"

Releasing my songs now has been so incredibly fulfilling and I owe a lot of it to you. Thanks so much for not only the voice but also the performance side. Even though I sang professionally in my 20s, I’m a much better singer now that I’ve gone through your program than I was 40 years ago!

George Collins - singer/songwriter

"There's A Way My Voice Just Opens Up!"

When I train using your program, there’s a way my voice just opens up. And when I recorded in the studio, I was so excited of my voice being so clear after a long long time of struggling with my voice.


#1 Hit in Botswana and Zimbabwe

"Everything I Sing Now Is Just So Much Better"

I’ve been using your training for a couple of months now, and everything I’ve sang since, I just think is so much better.

Mike Massé
(120 million views)

"I Perform With Greater Freedom Than Ever Before"

My range has already improved in both the higher and lower registers with much better quality, and I perform with greater freedom than ever before. I'm sure The Bristow Voice Method will help you too.

Bobby Pulido

Grammy Nominee and Platinum Selling Artist

"Per Is Like The BRUCE LEE Of The VOICE!"

I have been singing songwriting for 17 years. I am from South Africa and I just moved to LA. Been doing the course for 8 Months now, what a miracle!!!!!!!!!! And it has helped to let my instrument be what it is supposed to be. [Per is] like the BRUCE LEE of the VOICE!….

Sean Van Blerk

"In 20 Years I've Never Had A Teacher Approach Singing Like Per Does"

Oh my goodness, I am so beyond grateful for this program. I literally only started yesterday and it's already rocker my world. I had a 4 hour jazz gig last night and had more freedom in my scatting and endurance through the gig. I've studied voice for almost 20 years but have never had a teacher approach singing like Per does. THANK YOU!

Lola Kristine Hennike

"It Has Helped Get The Best Out Of My Voice!"

The Sing With Freedom program is fantastic! I would highly recommend them to anyone who wants to improve their singing. Per's approach is unique and it has really helped me to relax and get the best out of my voice!

Cathy Vard

Triple Platinum Selling Artist with Vard Sisters - Ireland

"Already Singing With Freedom! It's Amazing!"

I work fulltime as a freelance vocalist in Australia, and I realised that even though I could sing well, there were still many areas that I needed to develop.
For the record, I have spent $$$ on singing lessons & other courses and I must admit, when I stumbled……

Evelyn Duprai

"To Deliver Consistent Performances Night After Night"

After singing professionally with a rock band as well as a solo performer for 20 plus years… I always found it challenging to try and keep some kind of consistency in my night to night performance.
Well over the years some of the bad nights led to vocal polyps and nodules…..

Remy Lambert

Hello I’m Per Bristow

I am delighted to invite you to this very special session!

For you who haven't had an chance to study with me, I'd like to provide this opportunity to experience something remarkable about your voice.

Yes, the voice is indeed a remarkable instrument.

And singing is such a beautiful activity, whether we are professionals entertaining a sold-out stadium, or making music with friends, or having fun by ourselves.

And what is even more remarkable is that we can dramatically improve the voice, and enjoy singing on new levels.

I'm immensely grateful that singers of all level and styles have put trust in me and my method for the last 16 years. And I'm so glad of the wonderful improvements that they have experienced.

But realize that the incredible improvements singers of all levels and styles experience are not because of me. 

They improve because of the new kinesthetic awareness and muscle isolation skills they develop.

And now you are going to be able to experience this process for yourself in this exclusive session.

Here Is Some Of What We'll Cover:

** The anatomy of the voice and the power of muscle isolation skills - the foundation to heal and improve effectively.

** The #1 experiment that reveals your habitual tendencies - and that makes your voice freer immediately!

** Why being able to sing a long note on one breath has little to do with breathing. (Singers are blown away by this as they always thought singing long notes was about “breath-control”.)

** The one exercise that immediately releases hidden tension! - This tension has probably been restricting your voice for a long time.

** Why singing scales is often ineffective and for many absolutely detrimental -

** The physiology of your vocal cords
- how do they work, and, most importantly how to feel the functionality of them.

** Why your voice “breaks” - and what to do get a seemless voice.

** How to sing high notes effortlessly and with choices (and why many singers, even after decades of training, aren’t able to access the necessary muscles)

** Why even the greatest singers fall into bad habits - which causes tension and fatigue and reduced range.

** Why statements such as “use breath support”, “open your mouth more”, etc often has an adverse effect than what was intended

** How to release your natural voice – and why your voice today is not as "natural" as you may think, but rather habitual..

** Why we MUST release tongue root tension to heal, strengthen, and free the voice - Tongue root tension is a culprit of all voice dysfunctions. And for most people this tension blocks strength, resonance and flexibility (range).

** How to sing softly but still have impact - most people can’t do that until they develop this.

** Why vocal rest is NOT the solution to laryngitis - Instead we do this to gain a functional voice, as well as to heal the inflammation.

And much, much more!

Be In A Room By Yourself , Give Yourself Permission To Let Out Sound, And Let's Do This!

Yes, whatever level you’re at, get ready to experience something that's likely quite different from what you might have experienced in traditional singing training.

It doesn't matter where you are in the world as we are doing this virtually.

However, if you can, it is recommended that you are in a room where you can let out some sound. 

That way you can feel comfortable to truly participate and fully engage in the exercises.

That way you will FEEL your instrument in a new way, without anyone judging you, without the pressure of having to sound good, or to perform for anyone.

Let's Explore How You Can:

  • Release restrictions / tension that are currently holding back your voice but that you haven’t been aware of!
  • Access muscles in new ways through this breakthrough muscle isolation process!
  • Get more power in your singing voice but with less effort!
  • Expand the range of your voice! (Sing those high notes with less effort and more choices, and also get a deeper and richer voice if you want.)
  • Gain strength for greater dynamics and endurance! (Sing for a long time without getting tired, and recover quicker - a vital skill of any performer.)
  • Eliminate that break in your voice and sing with a seemless voice! (You’ll see live demonstration how and why the voice cracks/“breaks” and why it doesn’t have to, so you can sing your favorite songs with greater joy and ease.)
  • Extend phrases and sing longer notes! (You’ll see why it has little to do with your breathing - a shocking discovery for many.)
  • Sing more accurately on key! (You’ll discover why this has less to do with your ear than most people think - which also is many times shocking for people.)
  • And much, much more!

You’ll also realize why old-fashioned statements such as “feel as if you’re yawning”, “use breath-support”, sing through your mask”, “sing from your stomach”, etc. becomes detrimental for so many.

And you’ll realize why you develop far more effectively when you don’t sing scales.

And ultimately you are going to discover how this process of setting your voice free becomes so rewarding for effectively developing your physical instrument, but also to set YOU free!

Per Bristow’s mind/body/spirit approach to effectively train the human voice has evolved out of his background as a child prodigy violin player, elite youth athlete, lead singer in the biggest box office successes in Swedish theatre history, in addition to his deep knowledge in anatomy, peak performance psychology, voice, sports physiology and more.

Upon moving to Los Angeles, he quickly became known as the go-to coach for numerous singers and speakers, and his home study training has for the last 14 years helped people in 146 countries.

His live events have sold out in 9 countries on 4 continents.



Yes, the live workshop has already taken place. But you are here getting a 10-day access pass to watch, follow along, and embrace everything we covered in this 70 min session!

Be in a room where you can give yourself permission to let out sound and get ready to feeeeel your voice in a new way!


ONLY $7!


A Few Voices From Social Media: